Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Rant for Today....

Where to begin....where to begin?

I probably should've written this yesterday when I was super pissed-off. I'm not as pissed today and I'm wondering why?

Anyway, I just have a couple people to tell to fuck off today. Well, maybe a few! :-)

Stupid Fat Bitch who's job it is to dwell in her office cell without REALLY knowing what's going on and is the biggest liar.......FUCK OFF! You can also try a new hairstyle and scrap that 80's makeup.

Stupid Ugly-Ass Chipmunk who thrives on picking fights with children.....FUCK OFF! I hope one of them lays you OUT when you get in their face someday.

Stupid "Boss" who cares not about finding out the truth, just gets off on throwing employees into hostile situations and doesn't expect them to blow....FUCK OFF you neck-less, clothes too tight cuz you're fat and too cheap to buy new, BITCH! You seriously are in the wrong line of work.

Hmmmm, who else....

Oh ya!! To the stupid, egotistical walkin with a corn-cob up your ass MORON who's life ambition was to be a custodian.....FUCK YOU! HAHAHAHA! May you have many more happy years of changing lightbulbs, emptying garbages and scrubbing shit off of toilets. Let's not forget the cleaning up of puke too. HA! LOSER!

Ahhhhh, that felt MARVELOUS!!!

Carry on.....


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