Friday, January 15, 2010

I want to know why some people are able to bullshit and scam their way through life still come out on top and ahead of the game, while the rest of us working slobs that do the right thing are always the ones who get the short end of the stick???

I really wanna know, cuz I'm sick of being nice, and I'm sick of doing the right thing, and I'm sick of getting the short end of the stick.

It's fucking old already.

They say "What comes around, goes around", and that the big bad Karma always gets those who do unfair/unjust things, but I'm sick of waiting for Karma too. Karma takes too long, and I don't do wait. I'm more of an instant gratification sort of person.

I have something to say to somebody who is trying her best to scam me at the moment. I cannot actually say what I want to say to this person, so I will write a letter here on the blog that I will never send just to get it off of my chest.

Here goes.....

Whore who won't pay the rent,

I am sick of your bullshit excuses each month as to why the rent is late.

Pay your fucking bill on time, and pay it in full,. I don't give a flying fuck if your child support is late, you have no food, or that your car broke down. I am not Unicef, and I am not the Red Cross or the Salvation Army.
You can suck dicks to raise the money, or whore yourself out on the corner or to your hair clients for all I care.
There is a bar a few blocks down next to the gas station that has plenty of single, lonely men in it at all times, and I'm sure your services would be in high demand there.

A deal is a deal. I keep my end of the bargain, now keep yours. You may have been able to scam your way through your life up until now with your good looks and your Southern hillbilly accent, but the game is over.

We, in good faith let you out of your 3 year lease 2 yrs. and 8 months early, with the promise that you'd pay January's rent. Well, I cashed your check and guess what? It bounced.

I tried to call you but your cell phone is disconnected, probably because you're a fucking loser and didn't pay the bill. I had to get a hold of your daughter who is now living in my home taking over the remainder of YOUR lease, tell her the situation, and ask her to have you contact me regarding the payment.

You are not going to walk away scott free. I have no qualms taking you to small claims court and evicting your daughter in the next few weeks if I don't get my money.

You see, we had a legally binding agreement, and you broke it. I will win in court and will try to get all I can from you. Just so you know, the late fees for late rent are adding up as well, and you also owe me an additional $25.00 for the returned deposit fee I got from my bank from your bad check.

Don't make me take further action, because I will and you will lose.

Just pay your bill, and then you can scurry off like the rat you are and move on to the next victim.

Fuck you, you cunt. I hate you,



Delicious Delilah said...

I say take her to court. Did you do a full background check on her daughter before she moved in?

January 15, 2010 at 2:16 PM
Lil Miss Sunshine said...
This comment has been removed by the author. January 16, 2010 at 1:08 PM

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