Saturday, January 9, 2010

On my piss me off list

I am really fucking sick of terrorists.

Now I can't even go to an airport without looking at every guy's crotch and wondering if he has a bomb in his underwear or if he's just happy to see me. Thanks to dumbass underwear bombers, pretty soon the only way people will be able to get on a plane is by undergoing full body probes. That is not something I need to see when I'm already in the travel hell known as stuck in security.

You come here with your bombs, because we're evil westerners. Well, fuck you. You claim to need your bombs because your religion tells you to kill us? So basically you're fucking the whole of your religion, because the 99.999% of a particular religion that are normal get lumped into loserville with you. Why the fuck do you think you get to choose for the rest of the world? Stupid little man with your stupid little blown off penis.

It's not just the Islamic fundamentalists perverting the Koran either. There's always some new cult in the hills of some inbred backwater place that claims to have found a passage in the bible that people that don't believe just like they do deserve to die for not being proper Christians.

And these people are breeding and teaching their children this horrible hatred for their fellow human beings. They're teaching their children that it's okay to murder other people in the name of God. Poor God is sitting up there wondering how the fuck He created so many stupid, stupid people.

Shame on you for making God cry.


TheBitchIReallyAm said...

How elequently put my dear. Not only am I sick of terrorists, I'm sick of terrorist wannabe's!!!!!!!!! WTF?

January 9, 2010 at 9:19 PM

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