Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm annoyed this morning

I can't help but get pissed off when I am the only person who seems to care about the condition this house is in.

It's the weekend....I dont work weekends! It's also apparent nobody else around here does either. Unless their job is to destroy my house...............

Guys who can't hit the toilet when they take a piss REALLY get on my nerves. Do they think some fucking fairy is coming in at night and cleaning the house? Wiping the pee off the toilet rim? Doing their laundry?

Listen up boys, unless you want the lady of the house to go on strike CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR FUCKING SELF! Replace the toilet paper when you use the last of it to wipe your nasty ass. Pick your dirty clothes up off the fucking floor! Put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher for crying out loud!!!!

Better yet, MOVE THE FUCK OUT and I'll never have to be concerned with these matters in the future! :-)


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